Assault Terminators

Another group of hardened Kingbreakers veterans that finally got painted in the run-up to this year’s Apocalypse:

terminators-frontI’ve had these guys since my first tournament, way back at the start of 5th edition. I clearly remember dropping them down directly in front of a board-spanning horde of Orks and the TO standing nearby looking at me like “WTF are you doing?!” For a long time they were just primed, then for a long time the primary colors had a coat of paint, and then that Friday evening right before the Apocalypse they got finished.






These guys have also been victims of a can of Krylon matte coat that’s much shinier than I expected. Thinking back, I believe some of my earliest guys were also done with Krylon and are shinier than my others. Colin’s Blood Angels are also done with Krylon I believe and came out shinier than expected, though it works amazing for his style. I am probably going to give the can away and switch back to Army Painter.

Beyond that though I’m pretty happy with how they turned out. The bases are a different style for Kingbreakers, going with more of a rubble theme than the usual wasteland. Partly that was an attempt to build up their bulk and height. To me it also references a cool image of these guys swinging and smashing their way through buildings, bulkheads, whatever it takes. I’m most happy with the posing on the lead three guys, the sarge and buddy blocking an incoming blow while a third swings away. Terminators all too often look super static, but those guys have some motion and story to them.





For a long while these guys had sat out in actual games in favor of more bodies and higher mobility.What I’d really love for them to do is block for my Knight as it moves forward, but they don’t move nearly fast enough to keep up. Recently though I’ve been bringing them back onto the table to be a hard wall in front of my backfield, keeping out monsters that would otherwise munch through my guys in close combat. Most recently this unit held up several Greater Daemons and a pack of Screamers for literally the entire Apocalypse match, definitely worth the points.

Captain Angholan 2.0

Not long after Warmachine was introduced, Privateer Press realized they needed a way to resell all of the main warcaster characters. So they introduced “Epic” versions, with more dynamic models, buffed out stats, and even greater special abilities. Fluff-wise these represented the characters later in the great war, changed from earthshaking betrayals, tremendous losses, or just the daily grind of endless war. Players could choose to field either version, trading off points for powers. I thought the whole idea was a really neat concept, how it really fleshed out the character’s trajectory in the storyline and their particular personal pathos.

Over the holidays I finally finished up Epic edition Captain Angholan, leader of the Kingbreakers Space Marines:

From the rubble we rise.

From the rubble we rise.

Forward we march.

Forward we march.


After six long years of hard service, this retires the Emperor’s Champion model that Lovell gave me with some Tactical Marines to get me to start playing 40k. It’s a great model and the paintjob is ok—and was really good for one of my first models—but it’s definitely showing its age. A thin model to begin with, the Champ doesn’t really convey the beefy W3, 2+/3++ Vulkan statline I play him as. The random, funky gun I originally cobbled together to represent a mastercrafted boltgun also doesn’t really stand in well for Vulkan’s heavy flamer. I am a little bummed to set aside a model that’s been the heart of more than half a decade of great gaming. But this update certainly conveys the in-game character better and reflects my current level of painting and hobby skills.

kingbreakers-iconFor the Kingbreakers narrative and the saga of Forestway, it also captures Privateer’s notion of Epic edition characters. The Emperor’s Champion model is Angholan mere months after the Fall of Forestway, shattered and barely rebuilt from being crushed in the rubble defending the primary geneseed vault as the chapter monastery was leveled. The Legion Praetor model is Angholan two years later, in fine fighting form and undisputed leader of a chapter returning from the brink rather than dwindling into oblivion, embroiled in the great campaigns of Kimball Prime, Caldor IV, and Solypsus 9.

Captain Angholan 1.0 on the left, one of my first models six years ago. Epic edition 2.0 on the right.

Captain Angholan 1.0 on the left, one of my first models six years ago. Epic edition 2.0 on the right.


The model is one of Forge World’s Legion Praetors, and it’s incredible. I think the archaic, artificier-crafted Terminator armor really conveys Vulkan’s W3 2+/3++. In a 40k rules context the Volkite charger is a credible stand-in for Vulkan’s heavy flamer and the sword works perfect for a flaming relic weapon (+2S, mastercrafted, digital weapons). I’ve been calling it Angholan’s Vorpal Blade.

Forge World's preview photo.

Forge World’s preview photo.

Capt Angholan, all washed up and drying out.

Capt Angholan, all washed up and drying out.

Work in progress.

Work in progress.

I only made a couple tweaks on the model. The sword has been cut up to give it more of a flaming, archaic feel. The head cavity in the armour was also drilled out a bit and the leading arch of the backpiece sliced off to make room for putting a Grey Knights Strike Squad helmet on instead of a bare head. I think the character is actually more relateable when you don’t have a specific face to put to him. It also goes with a bit of Kingbreakers fluff that Angholan is rarely out of his armor and relies on it heavily due to all of the post-Forestway reconstructive work.

The base has been built up with some GW terrain bits and greenstuff. Functionally that gives the model a lot more height and bulk, making him stand out as a leader should. Symbolically it references the fallen monastery and Angholan’s long dark night buried alive until his rescue at the last minute before the planet was extinguished. The 40mm base is probably a disadvantage for me, as it’ll make him harder to place for flaming targets when deep striking out of a pod, but it certainly looks cool and helps with the bulky feel.

In hindsight if I had to start over I’d put a large, oversize backbanner on him with the Kingbreakers logo. But I’m super happy with how the model turned out. He didn’t even take that long to paint. It took me a while to get motivated to get the primary base coats on, but after that everything went super quick.

To War

Angholan 2.0 has already had a super dramatic run in this year’s PAGE winter Apocalypse battle royale and I’m looking forward to his first tournament this weekend. This is actually my first Forge World model and I think it came out great, well deserving of the extra expense. For the Emperor! Burn the heretic!

Captain Angholan with Sergeant Harbinger (left), First Sergeant Scolirus (right), and various Kingbreakers from Tactical 1.

Captain Angholan with Sergeant Harbinger (left), First Sergeant Scolirus (right), and various Kingbreakers from Tactical 1.

Captain Angholan and Squad Scolirus attack Nemesor Zahndrekh in his Citadel.

Captain Angholan and Squad Scolirus attack Nemesor Zahndrekh in his Citadel.

Captain Murder

The Kingbreakers’ Captain Murder:

cpt-murder-front     cpt-murder-back

This is another way back model, painted years ago when 5th edition came out. I had him out just now to work on the case he lives in. The model is the captain from that edition’s Assault on Black Reach starter box. The funny thing on his bolter is a grenade launcher, an option on unnamed captains at the time. It’s made from a piece of sprue and cut up bolter bits.

Overall this paintjob has held up well. A wash on the face and a proper basing and he’d be good to go. Unfortunately he’s hardly ever hit the table. By the time he was around my Emperor’s Champion model of Captain Angholan was already well established as the Kingbreakers’ modern day leader. Captain Murder has mostly shown up in a few Apocalypse matches when the full might of the chapter has taken to the field. His backstory thus has developed in a slightly dark and absentee direction, with Murder and his 4th Company denied the chance to martyr themselves in the fall of Forestway and in response commandeering an Imperial Cruiser to chase after Legio Apex and the other perpetrators in the immediate aftermath.