Infinity: WIP Infantry

I finally started work on my Infinity contingent. The test model:

To the left.

To the left.

To the right.

To the right.

The main wash is still drying so she has more of a wet look than she will when finished.

I’ve been debating their color scheme for some time.  Ideally I think I’d want a very clean look, with a bright bright yellow and a bright bright white. But that would take a lot of work to do well. But I think this scheme will grow on me. The bases are going to be a brighter green than my usual, which will help make the model pop. At a minimum it achieved the objective of using brighter colors than my 40k models, almost literally none of the same paints, and being fairly fast to do.

Details are:

  • Primer: Army Painter spray white
  • Armor & Head: Averland Sunset x2, wash with Casandora Yellow
  • Body: Ceramite White; pick out pads, holsters, and straps with Dheneb Stone; buckles with Leadbelcher; wash with Seraphim Sepia
  • Gun: Midnight Blue, pick out cartidges and barrels with Leadbelcher, wash with Nuln Oil
  • Visor: Midnight Blue, Enchanted Blue centerline


Also, I’m going to have to work on not defaulting to male pronouns given that a whole bunch of Infinity models, like this one, are female.